Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Handling cookies in ASP .NET

Handling cookies in ASP .NET:-

How to create a cookie, how to get the value stored in a cookie, set the lifetime, path and domain for a cookie,
edit a cookie, delete a cookie, remove subkeys from a cookie...
Here's a tutorial that shows you how to use cookies in ASP .NET. I'm not going to explain the role of cookies in
web applications or cover any other theoretical aspect of cookies. There are many (similar) ways to handle
cookies in ASP .NET. I'm only going to show you one of the ways, my way. Oh, and we're going to use C#,
although the code can be adapted to Visual Basic .NET easily.
How to create a cookie.
Here's a new cookie named cakes.
HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("cakes");
We created the cookie but there are no keys with values in it, so for now it's useless. So let's add some:

myCookie.Values.Add("muffin", "chocolate");
myCookie.Values.Add("babka", "cinnamon");
We also need to add the cookie to the cookie collection (consider it a cookie jar
How to get the value stored in a cookie.
Here's how to get the keys and values stored in a cookie:
The output to using this with the previous created cookie is this: "muffin=chocolate&babka=cinnamon".
However, most of the time you'll want to get the value stored at a specific key. If we want to find the value
stored at our babka key, we use this:

Set the lifetime for a cookie.
You can easily set the time when a cookie expires. We'll set the Expires property of myCookie to the current
time + 12 hours:
myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(12);
This cookie will expire in twelve hours starting now. You could as well make it expire after a week:
myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);
Also note that if you don't set a cookie's expiration date & time a transient cookie will be created - a cookie
which only exists in the current browser instance. So if you want the cookie to be stored as a file you need to
set this property.
Setting the cookie's path.
Sometimes you'll want to set a path for a cookie so that it will be available only for that path in your website
(ex.: www.dotnetsparkles.com/Careers). You can set a cookie's path with the Path property:
myCookie.Path = "/forums";

Perhaps instead of using http://www.dotnetsparkles.com/Careers path style to your forums, you would use a
subdomain like http://Careers.dotnetsparkles.com. The Domain property should do it:
myCookie.Domain = "forums.geekpedia.com";
How to edit a cookie.
You don't actually edit a cookie, you simply overwrite it by creating a new cookie with the same key(s).
How to destroy / delete a cookie.
There's no method called Delete which deletes the cookie you want. What you can do if you have to get rid of
a cookie is to set its expiration date to a date that has already passed, for example a day earlier. This way the
browser will destroy it.
myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
How to remove a subkey from a cookie.
This is one of the problems I encountered with cookies. Fortunately I found an answer on MSDN. You can use
the Remove method:

However, you don't usually remove a subkey immediatly after creating it, so first we need to retrieve the
cookie, remove the subkey and then add it back to the Cookies collection:
// Get the cookie from the collection (jar)
myCookie = Request.Cookies["cakes"];
// Remove the key 'babka'
// Add the cookie back to the collection (jar)
// See what's in the cookie now
Of course I suppose you used the code we created earlier (the one with the chocolate muffin and the
cinnamon babka), therefore if you test the code now you'll see the result is 'muffin=chocolate' - we got rid of
the babka!


-This is the method that all the real-time developers are using to give more secured page and to simplify the
 process of modification in a webpage.

-The process of data flow in this is as like shown below
  Login.aspx—ClsUsers.cs---DBActions.cs---User Table.
          i). user will be redirected to the login.aspx then if the user enter the username and password then
ClsUsers.cs will force the DBActions to check weather the values are true or not then DBActions will check in
the database table and give the response to ClsUsers.cs then if the values is true then asp.net will produce a
ticket and allows user to go advance to the next page.



Security in ASP .NET refers to authenticating users and providing authorization on resources.
Authentication means verifying weather user is valid or not, in other words checking for right
credentials is authentication.
In ASP .NET we have authentication methods like “windows passport” forms. Windows and passport
authentication methods are not performed by ASP .NET and also are less important as for as web
applications are concerned.
Forms authentication is performed by ASP .NET only .and mostly implemented in web applications.
Every resource in ASP .NET is accessible only to authenticated users.
            i. Authentication
           ii. Authorization
    Both are processors (or) programmer only.
(i) Authentication :
    Authentication means getting permission to use the account is called authentication. Users can have
    the permission to participate in the developing or to use the application but he cannot change or
    modify the data base.
    EX: if we have an account in a bank we are authenticated to use the services of the bank but we don’t
   have the authorization to modify or to change the data base or to get the transaction info of other
   account holders.
It is a process where we deny or allowed users for ASP.NET resources.
Every user normally authenticated first and the authorized in the development.
  iii.Form(ASP .NET)

Process involved in the Authentication
    1. User makes a request for a “secured page”.
    2. IIS stops the user and redirects him to “OS” or the browser itself displays a dialogue box like “Pleases
       Enter Username and Password”.
    3. “OS” displays a “Logon window” asking for user credentials.
    4. User enters the required credentials and submits the same to OS and OS checks for
       Username/Password and if it is “TRUE” creates a “Ticket” and redirects to IIS.
    5. IIS allows user now because he holds an” Authentication Ticket”.
Note: The created “Ticket” will travel between request and response using that so that every time user is not
asked for it.
Passport Authentication
Note: NO more “Passport.com” but it changed as “Live.com”.this is a third-party web provides authentication
services and this is a Microsoft service and can be easily incorporated in ASP .NET.
Steps involved in Passport Authentication:
1. User makes a request for a “secured page”.
2. IIS allows user as an anonymous.
3. ASP .NET denies request because user doesn’t have “Passport Ticket“and it redirects him.
4. Passport provides a login page where user enters his passport credentials and passport verifies
   the same and creates a ticket. Also redirects back to the request secured source.
5. ASP .NET allows the user now because the user holds an authentication ticket.
In the above picture
Note: Once a passport ticket is available with the client he can visit all the similar passport enabled
Passport Logon Page
The process 1= ASP .NET Redirects the user to a passport logon page.
The process 2= User gets the Passport Ticket by entering necessary credentials.
The process 3=ASP .NET allows user to the required web page.
Forms Authentication:
   1. User request for a secured page.
   2. User enters IIS as anonymous.
   3. Now ASP.NET (checks whether) has FAM=”Form authentication Module” that checks whether user is
       authenticated or not.
   4. If user is found not to be authenticated, it redirects him to login.ASPX page which is in the same site.
NOTE: In form/passport authentication what is the mode of entry? Ans: Anonymous.
   <Authentication mode = <windows/passport/form> />


Every web application unlike desktop application needs effective error handling because web is involved with
http, web servers, database servers, security servers etc..,ASP .NET being server side technology for web
applications provides plenty of support to debug an application the concepts of ASP.NET that supports these
     1. Exception handling using trycatche.
     2. Page level errors using “Page_error event”.
     3. Web.config custom errors.
     4. Application _error event of Global.asax file.
     5. Debug class and debug windows (F11, F10).
     6. Tracing.
1. Try cache: is called as method or statement level error handling.
Ex: right click in the code view and select snippet then Try.
             Cache (Exception)
           Response. Write (“invalid action performed”);
            Finally { }
NOTE: this is a statement level error handling.
       -all the code should start with try cache.
2. Pagelevel Errors using Page_error event
   The Page_error fires when the statements in the page or not handled for errors.
   Protected Void_Error (Object s, EventArgs e)
// Code gets fire when some statements of this page raise an error and that are not handler.

3. Web.Config Errors:
   -go to web.config and try this then only in the local system only we get the errors not in the client systems.
    To reduce the load on the web page and to get a better performance.
    <Custom errors mode=”Local only”>
Write in “web.config“
Web.config errors
       Mode= when “ON” Errors are handled local and remote.
            = When “OFF” Errors are handled but remote only.
           <Custom Errors mode=”ON” default redirect=”~/Error Page.html”/>
Default Redirected=<Programme>
The page i.e. served when a runtime error occurs and when it is not handled by below levels.
<Custom errors mode=”ON” default>


Note: -In .NET 1.0 we had data grid view control that was replaced in 2.0 with grid view.
         -Data grid 1.1 control available in 2.0.
         -Grid view is faster in performance.
         -it also had a simplified use age.
         -Dynamic nature.
         -Have new features
*Note: We cannot drag and drop a data grid but we have to go to the code and create.
        Data grid in ASP.NET 2.0 can be created just by writing data grid control creation code in source view
        (because there is no drag and drop provided by default)
        Ex: <asp: Data Grid id=”dg1”runat=”server”/>
Grid view features
       -Most featured rich control.
       -Many built-in layouts for designing &dynamic behavior.
       -Supports sorting of data.
       -Supports Paging of data.
       -Supports Editing/Updating/Deleting of data.
       -Collection based approach is provided.
       -Grid view with auto generates columns true on properties that generate columns dynamically.
          When data source is specified at run time and it is by default is TRUE.
       -we can assign different data objects tables at runtime to provide different results.
       - If auto generate columns is set to false then we need to provide columns on our own.
       -With auto generate columns true we can really provide some4 automated sorting /paging tasks
       -Grid view when assigned to data source control it automatically generates the code that is
          required to show data. It internally sets automate column is set to false.
       -Enable sorting, enable paging.
       -Grid view with data source controls –providing additionally sorting paging.

Bound Controls
                (i)Data Object
Steps to create data Grid
(i)Create a data grid view
(ii)Take a button
(iii)Double click on the design screen to go to the code view.
(iv)Grid view has capability to render itself.
                                                                                     COLUMNS: (FALSE)
- When auto generate columns is set to false we have to explicitly provide the columns information.


Using predefined fields of grid views like
<asp: Check Box Field…..> (Not normal check box)
<asp: image Field….> (not normal image).
Note: Grid view present data tabular presentation purely in the form of rows and columns.
 Process: Create button Keep auto generate columns “False” Drag and drop Grid view Go to source
view Use <column><asp: Bound Field…>to define all columns Inside Grid View write this code
                      <asp: Grid view id=”gridview1” runat=”server”>
(//open column//) <Column>
                      <asp: Bound Field Data Field=”Job_id” Header Text=”job_id”/>
                      <asp: Bound Field Data Field=”job_desc”Header Text=”job_desc”/>
                      <asp: Bound Field Data Field=”min_lvl” Header Text=”Min_lvl”/>
                      <asp: Bound Field Data Field=”Max_lvl” Header Text=”Max_lvl”/>
//Then give the server connection Code in the” Code view window”//
Ex: Using System. Data.SqlClient.
     (The data connection code)
        Sql.Connection cn=new Sqlconnection ("user id=sa; database=”… “; data source=”server");
        cn. Open ( );
        Dataset ds=new Dataset ( );
        Sql Data Adaptor da=new SqlData Adaptor (“select * from “table name”);
        Data Fill (ds,”tablename”);
        Grid view 1.Data source=ds.table [0];
        Grid view 1.Data Bind ( );
-Bound Field is better and also only used to display some static data like Data Object Field.
-If we want to display any ”Check Box” ,”Link Button”, “Button” or others and provide action to it then
  we would prefer to use template field.
-Template Field has templates that allow user to define own templates or some custom data .it can be used like a bound
field also.

-One Template Field means one column, even though there are 100 columns in Template Field.
    <asp: Template Field>
    <Header Template>select</Header template>
    <Item Template>
    <asp: Label id=”lbl 1”text=’<%#Eval (“job-id”) %>’runat=”server”></asp: Label>
    </Item Template>
    <Item Template>
    <asp: Listitem>interested</asp: ListiItem>
    <asp: List item>notintrested</asp: Listitem>
    <asp: List item>buy later</asp: List item>
    </asp: Drop Down List>
    <Item Template>
-To create a data Grid view to Update, Edit, Cancel the database tables we have to follow these steps
The Code to write inside the Data grid Source Code is as below:
<asp: GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" Height="376px" Style="z-index:
100; left: 8px;
position: absolute; top: 128px" Width="592px">
<asp: BoundField DataField="job_id" HeaderText="jobID" ReadOnly="true" />
<asp: BoundField DataField="desc" HeaderText="Description"/>
<asp: BoundField DataField="min" HeaderText="MinLvl"/>
<asp: TemplateField>
<asp: TextBox ID="txtmaxlvl" Text='<%#Eval ("max_lvl") %>' runat="server">
<asp: DropDownList ID="ddlmaxlvl" runat="server">
<asp: ListItem>100</asp: ListItem>
<asp: ListItem>200</asp: ListItem>
<asp: ListItem>300</asp: ListItem>
</asp: DropDownList>
</asp: TextBox>
</asp: TemplateField>
<asp: CommandField ShowEditButton="true" ShowCancelButton="true" />
</asp: TemplateField>
</asp: GridView>

The Code to write in the View Button Click Code is below:
protected void Button1_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
      BindData ();
       void BindData ();
         SqlConnection=new SqlConnection ("User id=sa, database="pubs);
         cn.Open ();
         Dataset ds=new Dataset ();
         SqlData Adaptor Dataset=new SqlDataAdaptor ("Select * from job", cn);
         Data. Fill (ds,"jobs");
         GridView1.DataBindSome=ds.Tables [0];
         GridView1.DataBind ();

-Then run and click on View Button we have to get the result else once again check the code and try.
-or type the following aspnet_regiis-I in Visual Studio Command prompt then enter we have to get a message
 like started installing and then again start run the programmed.
-Then select Grid view go to properties then enter select events and then select Row Editing then double click
  on the that and write the code as follows.
       Gridview1.EditIndex=e.New EditIndex
       BindData ();
Select Row Cancelling Edit then double-click and write the following code.
       Gridview1 EditIndex=-1;
       Bind Data ();
Note: ”e” used to indicate the particular content.
Select Row Updating and double click and write this code
    Response. Write (Gridview1.Rows [e.RowIndex].Cells [0].Text;
    Textbox tjobdese, tminlvl;
    DropdownList dlmaxlvl;
    Tjobdesc= (TextBox) Gridview1.Rows [e.RowIndex}.Cells [1].Cells [1].controls [0];
    Tminlvl= (TextBox) Gridview1.Rows {e.RowIndex].Cells [2].Controls [0];
    Dlmaxlvl= (DropdownList) Gridview1.Rows [e.RowIndex].Findcontrol (“ddlmaxlvl”);
    Response. Write(s);
    Response. Write (tjobdesc.text);
    Response. Write (tminlvl.text);
    Response. Write (dlmaxlvl.Selecteditem.Tostring ());
   //We can also write code to Update db.after Updation.

    Bind Data ();
Note: To Check the commands.
-to get the data to the dropdown list from another table.
-take Sql Data some and drop then configure data source.
-connection strings then take the tables then check column which we want
-then go to source and then remove drop down list and in DropdownList, Data source ID=”Sql Data
<asp: Dropdown List Id=”ddlmaxlvl” runat=”server” Datasource Id=”Sql Data Source 1” Data Text Field=”qty”>