Friday, 24 October 2014 Winter '15 release Updates


The Community Engagement Console is now called Community Management, also referred to as the Community Management Page.

Edit button is changed to drop down with Administration Settings and Community Management. link is changed and replaced to Community Designer.

Community management is a dashboard for Communities.

Community Analytics 2.0 allows us to manually refresh by clicking "Refresh" button.

Community Designer has the following

1. List and Menu items
2. Brand Editor
3. Preview Changes
4. Toolbar

3 Self-Service Templates:

1. Kokua - Knowledge Articles
2. Koa - For Mobile devices
3. Napili

Unlisted Group:

Setup --> Chatter --> Settings --> Edit --> Enable Unlisted Groups.

Unlisted groups are similar to private groups in that only members can view an unlisted group’s feed or files. However, unlisted groups provide more privacy compared to private groups.

1. Membership for unlisted groups is by invitation only. Nonmembers can’t ask to join them.
Unlisted groups don’t display in list views, feeds, and search results for nonmembers. Only members and users with the “Manage Unlisted Groups” permission can find and access an unlisted group.

2. You can’t see unlisted groups on a user’s profile in Chatter unless you have access to the group.
Even users with the “Modify All Data” or “View All Data” permissions can’t access an unlisted group unless they’re members or they have the “Manage Unlisted Groups” permission.
Nonmembers can’t visit the group detail page. (With private groups, nonmembers can see a truncated version of the detail page, which shows the name, description, and member list, but not the feed or files.)

3. Chatter enforces group name uniqueness across public, private, and unlisted groups. If a user tries to create a group with the same name as an unlisted group, they’ll see an error message that informs them that a group by the same name exists. For this reason, we recommend that you don’t include sensitive information in unlisted group names. Choose names that are difficult to guess or not obvious. For example, don’t use an obvious name like Acme Merger.


1. If you decide to create an unlisted group, make sure that you consider these limitations.
Custom pages or third-party applications integrated with Salesforce could expose unlisted group information to users who don't have access via the Salesforce UI. Check in with your administrator about who can access information in unlisted groups in your organization.

2. After creating an unlisted group, you can’t change it to a private or public group. You also can’t change a private or public group to an unlisted group.

3. You can’t use topics in unlisted groups. You can add a hashtag topic when writing a post or comment in an unlisted group, and the topic will be formatted as a link after you post. However, a topic detail page isn’t created, and the link won’t work.

4. You can’t mention unlisted groups in posts or comments.

Collaborative Forcecasts:

1. Display overlay splits in the forecast.
2. Display the forecast based on custom opportunity currency fields.


Side panel is used to add email, attachments, events and tasks.

Side panel can be viewed in outlook.


Individual users can manage activities.

To enable Setup --> Activities --> Settings --> Enable User Control over Task Assignment Notifications.

Users can manage in My Settings --> Reminders & Alerts.

Chatter Questions:

While typing the question, related questions will be available in the dropdown list.

Answered marked as the best answer will be in the top of the list.

To enable, add Questions Publisher Action.

Not supported in Chatter Desktop.


While searching, related articles will be displayed below.

To enable, Setup --> Customize --> Knowledge --> Settings --> Knowledge One --> Highlight relevant article text within search results.

Filter logic is default to And/Or for results for search.

Knowledge Search Activity report type can be used to report on Average Click Rank, keywords used for search, etc...


Extended for Blackberry and Windows.

Action bar and Action Menu are implemented and it replaces action tray.

Quick Start Wizard is implemented. To view Setup --> Salesforce1 Setup --> Launch Quick Start Wizard.

SalesforceA: can be accessed by going to Home Screen --> Scheduled Maintenance -->

Advanced Search in

Object field is included to identify the object of the record in search results.
Automatically enabled.

To disable, go to Setup --> Build --> Customize --> User Interface and disable "Enable Advanced Setup Search (Beta)" checkbox.

CSS style is not working in apex:outputText in salesforce

If CSS style is not working in apex:outputText, use apex:outputLabel.

How to check the bulk data load jobs status in Salesforce?

To check the bulk data load jobs status in Salesforce, Go to Setup --> Jobs --> Bulk Data Load Jobs.

How to save username and password in Outlook salesforce?

1. Go to Tools --> Account Settings.

2. Select the account and click "Change".

3. Select "More Settings".

4. Click "Exchange Proxy Settings".

5. Make sure "Always prompt for logon credentials" is unchecked in Security tab and click "Apply"

Analytic Snapshots in Salesforce

An Analytic Snapshot helps us to create report on historical data. 

Analytic Snapshots comprises of three things:
  • A source Report of type Tabular or Summary
  • A Custom Object with fields matching the columns in the source Report
  • An Analytic Snapshot definition, which maps fields and schedules the snapshot runs 
For reference, kindly check the below link

Steps to set Analytic Snapshot:

1. Go to Setup --> Administration Setup --> Data Management --> Analytic Snapshot.

2. Click "Analytic Snapshot" button.

3. Select the Running User, Source Report and Target Object.

4. Click "Save & Edit Field Mappings" button. 

5. Map the fields and click "Save" button.

6. Click "Edit" button in Schedule Analytic Snapshot related list.

7. Set the frequency and preferred start time and click "Save" button.

Email notification:

After clicking the link in email:

An analytic snapshot will fail during a scheduled run if:
  • The source report includes more than 100 fields
  • The source report was changed from summary to tabular
  • The selected grouping level for a summary source report is no longer valid
  • The running user does not have access to the source report
  • The running user does not have the “Run Reports” permission
  • The target object has more than 100 custom fields
  • The target object contains validation rules
  • The target object is included in a workflow
  • The target object is a detail object in a master-detail relationship
  • The target object runs an Apex trigger when new records are created on it
  • The running user does not have the “Create” permission on the target object. Note that if the target object's status is In Development, the running user must have the “Customize Applications” permission.

salesforce Administrator Exam : ADM 201 sample exam questions

click on below link write 201 certification sample exam : 60 marks Certified Developer DEV401 Practice Exams

1. Out of the following things which can be done using the platform?
(Select two)
a. Data-warehousing
b. Applications with clicks and not code
c. Applications can be upgraded without loss of customization
d. Code version control system

2. Which of the following statements are true concerning e-mail activation?
(Select one)
a. The e-mail activation feature requires that the user click an activation
link before logging in from a new computer
b. The e-mail activation feature cannot be disabled
c. The e-mail activation feature can be disabled by request to Salesforce.
com support
d. The e-mail activation feature can be disabled through the UI

3. A security token is required for API access when connecting from an IP
address within the list of trusted networks.
a. True
b. False

4. Out of the following which applications are suitable for
(Choose three)
a. Time card application
b. Word processor
c. Online auction management
d. Inventory management

5. Which of the following refers to the data model of Salesforce? (Choose 2)
a. API
b. metadata API
c. Sandbox
d. IDE

6. What types of paid Salesforce edition are available?
a. Enterprise edition
b. Unlimited edition
c. Trial edition
d. Developer edition

7. Where are IDs identical?
a. Production and full copy sandbox only
b. Production and dev sandbox only
c. Two developer orgs
d. Two sandbox org

1. Which custom fields can be made universally required?
a. Formula
b. Lookup
c. E-mail
d. URL

2. Which statements are correct about encrypted fields among the following?
a. Encrypted text fields can be an external ID and can have
default values
b. Encrypted fields are not searchable and cannot be used to define
report criteria
c. Encrypted fields can be included in search results, and report results
d. They are not available for use in filters such as list views, reports, rollup
summary fields, and rule filters
e. Encrypted fields are not available in lead conversion, workflow rule
criteria or formulas, formula fields, outbound messages, default
values, and Web-to-Lead and Web-to-Case forms

3. A person, who does not have "View Encrypted Data" permission, will see the
field with masked characters. Assuming the field is in the page layout, what
happens if he clicks the Edit button and tries to edit the value?
a. The field will not appear in the edit layout
b. The user will see only masked characters, but can enter a new value
and save it.
c. It will throw an error on changing that field and when he saves
d. He can see the original value and he can save it
4. Which is true about encrypted fields?
a. They are available in Validation Rules or Apex Scripts even if the
user is not having the permission "View Encrypted Data"
b. Encrypted fields can be converted to other field types.
c. A custom field can be converted to a encrypted field
d. In Email Templates, if an encrypted field needs to be displayed
without the mask character, the User who receives the e-mail, should
have "View Encrypted Data" permission.

5. Which type of custom fields can be used as External Id?
a. A text field that is unique
b. A text field that is required
c. A text field that is encrypted
d. Date
e. E-mail
f. Phone

6. The media object record needs to refer to a similar media object record. For
that a lookup field to "media" is created. What is this relation type called?
a. Master-Detail
b. Lookup
c. Hierarchical
d. Many-Many
e. Self

7. How many master relationships can be there per detail object?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

8. How many lookup relationships can be there per child?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 15
d. 25

9. A Standard object has more than one Master-Detail relationship?
a. True
b. False

10. How do you create many–to-many relationships?
a. Junction object (custom object) having a Master-Detail to the
other two objects
b. Create a lookup on the first object for the other and lookup on
the second for the first


1. Which of the following statements are true about page layouts?
a. They can have one or two columns per section
b. We can add a list button using a page layout editor
c. We can hide a section header detail view or edit view or both view
d. We can add blank spaces instead of fields
e. Preview the layout for different profiles

2. In a Model View Controller architecture, which of the below corresponds to
View? (Select two)
a. Page layouts
b. Validation rules
c. Tabs
d. Workflows

3. What is possible through page layouts of custom objects? (Select two)
a. Add custom fields and buttons
b. Set mandatory field based on certain value on other field
c. Add inline visual force pages
d. Set three column display

4. Of the following, what are the things not possible to include in the user page
layout (Choose two)
a. Tagging
b. Custom links
c. Inline Visualforce page
d. Custom buttons
e. Custom fields

5. Which of the following refers to the controller part of the MVC architecture?
a. Apex
b. Visualforce
c. S-control
d. Page layout

6. Which editions support Apex and Visualforce? (Select two)
a. Unlimited Edition
b. Enterprise Edition
c. Apex Edition
d. Professional Edition
e. Group Edition

7. Position is a custom object containing details of each position. Candidate
contains the details of each candidate such as skills. When a user is viewing
the position records, he should also be able to see all those candidates who
match the skill required for the post. However, a position can have no
candidate and a candidate record can also be kept blank. A position can be
applied by multiple candidates, while a candidate can also apply to multiple
positions. What can be done to achieve this?
a. Create a master-child relationship between them
b. Create a junction object to store both the values
c. Create a lookup relationship of candidate on position
d. Create a Visualforce page

8. The user wishes to add the ratings on the page. The ratings will be displayed
as the radio button from 1 to 5 with the features on the y axis. How can we
achieve this?
a. Create a new field radio button
b. Create a picklist with radio values
c. Create a Visualforce page to include radio group in a data table

9. What are the different custom tabs that you can create? Please select three
a. Web tab
b. Apex tab
c. Visualforce tab
d. Custom object tab
e. Standard object tab


1. Which one of the following is not possible to view in the debug logs?
a. Workflow formula evaluation results
b. Assignment rules
c. Formula field calculations
d. Validation rules
e. Resources used by Apex Script

2. Which of the following do we get as part of logic as a service out of box
offering? [Select any three]
a. Data warehouse
b. Approval process
c. Workflow rules
d. Validation rules

3. Only a particular user with the right profile should be able to submit the
record for approval. How do you achieve this?
a. Add this condition in the entry criteria
b. Choose the initial submission action
c. Add this condition in the approval step entry criteria
d. Add this condition as a rejection action

4. If the approval process has three parallel approvers in the first step when will
it move to the next step? Select any two options.
a. Unanimous approval is required and all the approvals are there
b. Majority approval is required and majority of approval is there
c. Unanimous approval is required and majority of approval is there.
d. First approval is there and unanimous approval is not required

5. Under what circumstances is a workflow rule triggered?
a. Automatically when the record is saved
b. When the user submits it for workflow
c. When the manager submits it to workflow

6. Which one of the following can't be a final rejection action in the approval
a. Lock the record
b. Outbound message
c. Delete the record and send to recycle bin
d. E-mail alert

7. Using an approval process an organization has configured the application
to have the first step of the process require approvals from three different
hiring managers.
Select the two possible approval choices based on multiple approvers for an
approval step.
a. Approve or reject based on the first response
b. Require majority approval from all selected approvers
c. Require x out of y approval from all selected approvers
d. Require unanimous approval from all selected approvers

introduction to in salesforce

Database technology is the persistence layer at the heart of all data-centric applications, the tier that’s in charge of organizing, protecting, and managing shared database access reliably, securely, efficiently. The persistence layer underlying (and is proven database technology that powers all of’s products today, serving more than more than 100,000 organizations, 135,000 applications, 3 million users, 1 billion transactions per day with an average request response time of less than 300ms, all with an average up time of 99.9+ percent.


Easy to Use
With, there’s nothing to manage — takes care of everything for you. There’s no software to install, update, and patch. No waiting on someone else when you want to provision databases. No worries about database backup and disaster recovery. No complex documentation set with thousands of pages and parameters to tune for performance or elasticity. There’s even automatic indexing. Whether you have 1 database or 1,000 databases, all you need to focus on is building great apps.
Trustworthy is built with the security and privacy of customer information in mind.’s infrastructure and corporate workplace meet all of the highest industry standards, including SAS 70 Type II, SysTrust, and ISO 27001 certifications.
Modern is more than just another database system — it’s jam-packed with next-generation features that make building and maintaining highly functional, secure, social, and mobile apps a snap.
  • users, profiles, roles, groups, and row-level sharing rules help you build secure apps without the need to code, test, and maintain your own complicated security logic.
  • With, it’s easy to implement common application logic without writing complicated and error-prone code. Such features include declarative, point-and-click configuration for workflows, encrypted/masked fields, validation rules, formula fields, roll-up summary fields, and cross-object validation rules.
  • is "social" because it includes the Salesforce Chatter API, a built-in data model apps can leverage to become instantly social and collaborative.
  •’s REST APIs, OAuth implementation for user authentication/authorization, data feeds, custom Web services, embedded security model, and other features make it a perfect fit for easily building secure, scalable mobile apps, either native or HTML5.
Open’s full complement of open APIs lets you build and integrate applications using the approach of your choice. REST- and SOAP-based APIs are standards-based APIs that make open to whatever programming language you want to use. Using various APIs, your applications can do many things such as create-read-update-delete (CRUD) business data, load a large number of records asynchronously, and take advantage of the Chatter API to provide collaboration and social networking capabilities to any application.
Most modern apps use server-side logic to centralize complex business logic and enforce complex data integrity rules. Apex, with syntax much like Java, is’s procedural language that you can use to create server-side logic for an application. For example, Apex lets you create stored procedures that modify the database within the context of ACID transactions, and expose them as a custom Web services API (RESTful or SOAP) for your apps. You can also use Apex to build database triggers, routines that automatically fire (execute) when apps modify records in your database.
This is the primary resource page for learning all about database services

Integration in salesforce

A typical enterprise uses many applications, many or most of which are not designed to work with one another out of the box. Integrating separate but related apps helps organizations achieve greater levels of operational consistency, efficiency, and quality.
Each application can have data, business logic, presentation, and security layers, all of which are possible targets for integration. This page is an overall launch point for exploring the various integration options related to and other Salesforce platform technologies.
Security Integration
Integrate authentication mechanisms across applications to improve the user experience and minimize user administration.
Coming Soon
User Interface Integration
Combine the UIs of two or more apps to create composite apps with little or no rework on the UI of each individual app.
Learn More
Business Logic Integration
Business logic often spans multiple application systems. Extending related business logic from one app to another helps to implement complete end to end business processes.
Learn More
Data Integration
Integrating applications at the data layer is a common scenario. For example, multiple apps written in different programming languages can all use an open API and manage related data in one shared database.
Learn More

Integration Primers

For a broad overview of integration before heading down one of the above paths, you might want explore the following resources: